Ciao a tutti!
The Tibaldi 60 is a great pen, good size, beautiful celluoid !
But, not all that shines is gold, and this was the situation. The filling unit have a great concept, but wrongly done, and the section is to large, not
very confortable to use.
When the pen arrived I was in ecstasy, wow what a pen.......
After one week pen weakness appeared, was not filling, not good to use, section very large.......
Was in love with "her", so went to my working place and start "the making" of the "new pen"!
To receive the new filling unit the section needed to come off, so ......
The filling system chosen was the plunger filler, for the ink capacity and pen characteristics. Many modification were made on the barrel, ina way that
they won't be noticed. Filling unit was done in celluloid, like the section.
Since that day, two years ago, pen is my faithful companion.
Saluti a tutti,
Victor Barrocas